
Kamis, 15 April 2021

Welcome to MultiChain Web Demo

 This software uses PHP to provide a web front-end for a MultiChain blockchain node.

It currently supports the following features:

  • Viewing the node's overall status.
  • Creating addresses and giving them real names (names are visible to all nodes).
  • Changing global permissions for addresses.
  • Issuing assets, including custom fields and uploading a file.
  • Updating assets, including issuing more units and updating custom fields and file.
  • Viewing issued assets, including the full history of fields and files.
  • Sending assets from one address to another.
  • Creating, decoding and accepting offers for exchanges of assets.
  • Creating streams.
  • Publishing items to streams, as JSON or text or an uploaded file.
  • Viewing stream items, including listing by key or publisher and downloading files.
  • Writing, testing and approving Smart Filters (both transaction and stream filters).

The web demo does not yet support the following important functionality in the MultiChain API:

  • Managing per-asset and per-stream permissions.
  • Multisignature addresses and transactions.
  • Adding metadata (or stream items) to permissions or asset transactions.
  • Viewing an addresses' transactions.
  • Subscribing to assets and viewing their transactions.
  • Viewing a list of keys or publishers in a stream.
  • Peer-to-peer node management.
  • Message signing and verification.
  • Blockchain upgrading.
  • Working with the binary cache.

The MultiChain Web Demo is still under development, so please contact us if any of these things are crucial for your needs.

System Requirements

  • A computer running web server software such as Apache.
  • PHP 5.x or later with the curl and JSON extensions.
  • MultiChain 1.0 alpha 26 or later, including MultiChain 2.0 alphas and betas.

Create and launch a MultiChain Blockchain

If you do not yet have a chain to work with, Download MultiChain to install MultiChain and create a chain named chain1 as follows:

multichain-util create chain1
multichaind chain1 -daemon

If your web server is running on the same computer as multichaind, you can skip the rest of this section. Otherwise:

multichain-cli chain1 stop

Then add this to ~/.multichain/chain1/multichain.conf:

rpcallowip=[IP address of your web server]

Then start MultiChain again:

multichaind chain1 -daemon

Configure the Web Demo

This section assumes your blockchain is named chain1 and you are running the node and web server on a Unix variant such as Linux. If not, please substitute accordingly.

Make your life easy for the next step by running these on the node's server:

cat ~/.multichain/chain1/multichain.conf
grep rpc-port ~/.multichain/chain1/params.dat

In the web demo directory, copy the config-example.txt file to config.txt:

cp config-example.txt config.txt

In the demo website directory, enter chain details in config.txt e.g.:                # name to display in the web interface
default.rpchost=           # IP address of MultiChain node
default.rpcport=12345               # usually default-rpc-port from params.dat
default.rpcuser=multichainrpc       # username for RPC from multichain.conf
default.rpcpassword=mnBh8aHp4mun... # password for RPC from multichain.conf

Multiple chains are supported by the web demo by copying the same section again but with different prefixes before the period, for example:

Note that the config.txt file is readable by users of your web demo installation, and contains your MultiChain API password, so you should never use this basic setup for a production system.

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